
Coursera: Google Analysis Certificate

Project URL: https://www.coursera.org/enroll/google-data-analytics/paidmedia?utm_medium=sem&utm_source=gg&utm_campaign=B2C_NAMER_google-data-analytics_google_FTCOF_professional-certificates_country-US&campaignid=12504215975&adgroupid=122709142727&device=c&keyword=googledataanalyticscertificate&matchtype=b&network=g&devicemodel=&adposition=&creativeid=664305267257&hide_mobile_promo&gclid=Cj0KCQjwoK2mBhDzARIsADGbjeqZyVoLpcalTJrrSmAVsHs9haD5Yt4goV00kzbE7LuYQefk_WdoHeMaAlbKEALw_wcB

I am currently working on getting my Coursera Google Data Analysis Certificate. So far the journey has been incredible. I am not only learning the tools necessary to become a data analyst, but also the mindset and thought process it take to be an effective data analyst. The more I think about it the more it makes me excited to get into the data and really start changing the way a business looks at the data it collects. I feel the passion, now I want to put it into practice. Link here: Click here to check out the Coursera Page