
Fifa 2021 Data Cleaning Project

Introduction The FIFA 21 dataset, though rich with information, often requires extensive cleaning and preprocessing before it can be used effectively for analysis or modeling. This project aims to take the raw dataset and perform various data cleaning techniques, such as handling missing values, removing duplicates, standardizing formats, and resolving...

Electrocardio ML Predictive Modeling
Data Science

Introduction This project focuses on building a classification model for electrocardiograms (ECG) to predict whether a patient's heartbeat is "at risk" of cardiovascular disease or not. The dataset used in this project contains numerically represented heartbeats along with corresponding binary labels. Dataset The dataset used in this project can be...

Hawaii Airbnb Analysis and Visualization
Data Analysis

This project focuses on performing basic data analysis and science on the Airbnb data from Hawaii. The goal is to gain insights and extract useful information from the dataset. Tableau Dashboard Tableau Dashboard Maui Tableau Dashboard All Islands Dataset The dataset used in this project consists of Airbnb listings and...

Housing Price Predictions
Data Science

A common data set used by all learners of Data Science and Analysis. Used data data exploration, cleaning, feature engineering, linear regression to predict the prices on different houses based on the different features given. Jupyter Notebook, Python(Pandas, Matplotlib, numpy, scikit-learn).

Titanic Survival Analysis and ML Predictions
Data Science/ Data Analysis

Here is the in depth Analysis link: A common data set used by all learners of Data Science and Analysis. Used data exploration, cleaning, feature engineering, to get valuable insights on the data presented. Jupyter Notebook, Python(Pandas, Matplotlib, numpy, seaborn), Machine Learning.